Learned and Applied Soil Mechanics out of Delft
Frans B.J. Barends & Paola M.P.C. Steijger
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Frans B.J. Barends & Paola M.P.C. Steijger (Editor)
Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
© 2002 Swets & Zeitlinger B.V., Lisse
ISBN: 9058083573
Size of Zip File : 24.7 mb
235 pages
This book is a result of a joined effort in the occasion of the retirement of Arnold Verruijt as professor at the Technical University Delft by the group of promovendi who completed their doctorate under his guidance in the past 30 years. It is divided in 5 chapters, areas of special interest of Arnold Verruijt: groundwater flow, consolidation, numerical methods, geodynamics and geostatics. Dr Arnold Verruijt is professor of soil mechanics since 1975, a beloved teacher, the first to received the Delft University Master Prize in 1994, and author of more than 100 technical papers and several educational books, which show all remarkable brightness and style. They are a pleasure to read.
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