Hydraulic Analysis for Open Channels, Pipes, Weirs, and Orifices
Use FlowMaster to quickly perform hydraulic calculations for dozens of element types, from pipes and open channels to drop inlets and weirs.
The use of FlowMaster is approved by FEMA for normal depth calculations to establish base flood elevations for Letter of Map Amendment and Letter of Map Revision based on fill requests along streams, creeks, and rivers designated as approximate Zone A on NFIP maps. (Note: FlowMaster is not on FEMA’s Nationally Accepted Hydraulic Models list.)
Inlet and Gutter Hydraulics
Design and analyze grate, curb, ditch, slotted, and combination inlets using calculations based on the FHWA Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 12 and Circular No. 22 methodologies.
You can consider in sag or on grade conditions with a continuously or locally depressed gutter and calculate water spread and gutter depth for a gutter or pavement section.
Pressure Pipe Design
Perform a quick check or design by plugging in the known information and automatically solving for pipe length, start and stop elevations and pressures, discharge, diameter and roughness.
FlowMaster supports the Hazen-Williams, Darcy-Weisbach, Kutter and Manning friction loss methods.
Usability and Data Management
It is often the simplest features that can dramatically improve your productivity. Here are some examples:
* Copy and paste data from and to Windows applications
* Relax with unlimited undo and redo
* Create unlimited worksheets on a single file
* Enter data once, use it many times with engineering libraries
* Document multiple design trials on the same file
* Exercise complete control over units and decimal precision.
* Use the Project Explorer to save and manage projects
* Customize the graphical user interface to suit your workflow
Open Channel Hydraulics
Design and analyze channels, ditches, and free surface pipes of any shape including circular, box, elliptical, parabolic, and irregular channels.
Under uniform flow solve for discharge, normal depth, channel dimensions, slope, or roughness, and compare the results using different friction methods.
Perform gradually varied flow calculations for any free surface flow element, generate profile views from the calculated results, and view the points in tabular form.
Weir and Orifice Modeling
Size weirs considering discharge, weir coefficients, and crest, headwater and tailwater elevations for the following types:
* Rectangular
* V-notch
* Cipolletti
* Broad crested
* Custom
Design rectangular, circular and generic orifice structures accounting for submergence with rating tables of graph for tailwater elevation.
Graphing and Reporting
Using FlowMaster's comprehensive reporting capabilities, you can quickly create summary reports or complete records of your analysis and design.
Build customized tabular reports, graphs, cross-sectional plots, performance curves, and rating tables to support smarter decision-making.
![[Image: 28496867785324127057.jpg]](https://pic.civilea.com/images/28496867785324127057.jpg)
![[Image: 68859565961458624799.jpg]](https://pic.civilea.com/images/68859565961458624799.jpg)
![[Image: 95492189684504767667.jpg]](https://pic.civilea.com/images/95492189684504767667.jpg)
![[Image: 89549058493977206025.jpg]](https://pic.civilea.com/images/89549058493977206025.jpg)
![[Image: 06487263560179974757.jpg]](https://pic.civilea.com/images/06487263560179974757.jpg)
![[Image: 93146666109582079131.jpg]](https://pic.civilea.com/images/93146666109582079131.jpg)
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Hydraulic Analysis for Open Channels, Pipes, Weirs, and Orifices
Use FlowMaster to quickly perform hydraulic calculations for dozens of element types, from pipes and open channels to drop inlets and weirs.
The use of FlowMaster is approved by FEMA for normal depth calculations to establish base flood elevations for Letter of Map Amendment and Letter of Map Revision based on fill requests along streams, creeks, and rivers designated as approximate Zone A on NFIP maps. (Note: FlowMaster is not on FEMA’s Nationally Accepted Hydraulic Models list.)
Inlet and Gutter Hydraulics
Design and analyze grate, curb, ditch, slotted, and combination inlets using calculations based on the FHWA Hydraulic Engineering Circular No. 12 and Circular No. 22 methodologies.
You can consider in sag or on grade conditions with a continuously or locally depressed gutter and calculate water spread and gutter depth for a gutter or pavement section.
Pressure Pipe Design
Perform a quick check or design by plugging in the known information and automatically solving for pipe length, start and stop elevations and pressures, discharge, diameter and roughness.
FlowMaster supports the Hazen-Williams, Darcy-Weisbach, Kutter and Manning friction loss methods.
Usability and Data Management
It is often the simplest features that can dramatically improve your productivity. Here are some examples:
* Copy and paste data from and to Windows applications
* Relax with unlimited undo and redo
* Create unlimited worksheets on a single file
* Enter data once, use it many times with engineering libraries
* Document multiple design trials on the same file
* Exercise complete control over units and decimal precision.
* Use the Project Explorer to save and manage projects
* Customize the graphical user interface to suit your workflow
Open Channel Hydraulics
Design and analyze channels, ditches, and free surface pipes of any shape including circular, box, elliptical, parabolic, and irregular channels.
Under uniform flow solve for discharge, normal depth, channel dimensions, slope, or roughness, and compare the results using different friction methods.
Perform gradually varied flow calculations for any free surface flow element, generate profile views from the calculated results, and view the points in tabular form.
Weir and Orifice Modeling
Size weirs considering discharge, weir coefficients, and crest, headwater and tailwater elevations for the following types:
* Rectangular
* V-notch
* Cipolletti
* Broad crested
* Custom
Design rectangular, circular and generic orifice structures accounting for submergence with rating tables of graph for tailwater elevation.
Graphing and Reporting
Using FlowMaster's comprehensive reporting capabilities, you can quickly create summary reports or complete records of your analysis and design.
Build customized tabular reports, graphs, cross-sectional plots, performance curves, and rating tables to support smarter decision-making.
![[Image: 28496867785324127057.jpg]](https://pic.civilea.com/images/28496867785324127057.jpg)
![[Image: 68859565961458624799.jpg]](https://pic.civilea.com/images/68859565961458624799.jpg)
![[Image: 95492189684504767667.jpg]](https://pic.civilea.com/images/95492189684504767667.jpg)
![[Image: 89549058493977206025.jpg]](https://pic.civilea.com/images/89549058493977206025.jpg)
![[Image: 06487263560179974757.jpg]](https://pic.civilea.com/images/06487263560179974757.jpg)
![[Image: 93146666109582079131.jpg]](https://pic.civilea.com/images/93146666109582079131.jpg)
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