Earthquake response of concrete gravity dams including hydrodynamic and foundation interaction effects
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Earthquake response of concrete gravity dams including hydrodynamic and foundation interaction effects
Chopra, Anil K.; Chakrabarti, Parthasarathi; Gupta, Sunil
UCB/EERC-80/01, Earthquake Engineering Research Center, University of California, Berkeley, 1980-01, 210 pages (540/C49/1980)
A general procedure is presented for the analysis of the response of concrete gravity dams, including the dynamic effects of impounded water and flexible foundation rock, to the transverse (horizontal) and vertical components of earthquake ground motion. The problem is reduced to one in two dimensions, considering the transverse vibration of a monolith of the dam. The system is analyzed under the assumption of linear behavior for the concrete, foundation rock, and water. The complete system is considered to comprise three substructures--the dam, represented as a finite element system; the fluid domain, as a continuum of infinite length in the upstream direction; and the foundation rock region, as a viscoelastic halfplane. The structural displacements of the dam are expressed as a linear combination of Ritz vectors, chosen as normal modes of an associated undamped dam-foundation system. The modal displacements due to earthquake motion are computed by synthesizing their complex frequency responses using fast Fourier transform procedures. The stress responses are calculated from the modal displacements. The response of idealized dam cross sections to harmonic horizontal or vertical ground motion is presented for a range of important system parameters characterizing the properties of the dam, foundation rock, and impounded water. Based on these results, the authors investigate and present conclusions concerning the separate effects of fluid-structure and foundation-structure interaction, and the combined effects of the two sources of interaction on the dynamic response of dams.
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