11-29-2009, 10:46 AM
Autodesk Navisworks Suite 2010 Multilanguage Win32 & Win64
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Autodesk Navisworks Suite 2010 Multilanguage Win32 & Win64 | 10.5 GB
Autodesk Navisworks software solutions enable project design, engineering, construction, and manufacturing professionals to unite contributions into a single building or process plant model. Autodesk Navisworks building analysis software helps you to detect and resolve problems early in the design process. It also enables you to share 3D design data reliably and quickly with suppliers and partners, facilitating collaboration and accelerating design and review cycles. Autodesk Navisworks software for manufacturing provides companies with a comprehensive set of tools for large-scale visualization and optimization, multi-CAD data aggregation of factory models and team collaboration. This is multilanguage: Russian, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean..
Autodesk NavisWorks Manage 2010
Autodesk NavisWorks Manage software is a powerful solution for design and construction management professionals, providing control and peace of mind for advanced analysis and coordination of 3D models. Design data created in building information modeling (BIM) applications such as the Revit® family of products can be combined with geometry and information from other design tools and reviewed as an entire project, regardless of file size or format. Early fault prediction and error recognition help prevent later, more costly, miscalculations. NavisWorks Manage combines precise fault-finding analysis of interferences together with dynamic 4D simulation of project schedules and photorealistic visualization.
Autodesk NavisWorks Review 2010
Autodesk NavisWorks Review software improves quality by enabling real-time visualization, exploration, and experience of entire design projects before they are real. 3D design data created in building information modeling (BIM) applications such as the Revit family of products can be combined with geometry and information created with other design tools and reviewed, regardless of file size or format. Accessible building Information models enable project stakeholders to collaborate effectively, and provide valuable assets after construction is complete. Dynamic navigation and an intuitive review toolkit improve understanding of even the most complex 3D models. Entire project models can be published and freely viewed in NWD and DWF™ formats.
Autodesk NavisWorks Simulate 2010
Autodesk NavisWorks Simulate software adds the power of 4D analysis and photorealism to Autodesk® NavisWorks® Review software. Design professionals can create clear, descriptive content that helps demonstrate design intent and validate decisions. 3D design data created in building information modeling (BIM) applications such as the Revit® family of products can be combined, regardless of size, with geometry and information created using other design tools, emulating real-life experiences and the project construction process. Entire projects can be replicated with dynamic, photorealistic visualizations and 4D construction schedules to demonstrate design-and-build options. Project models can be published in NWD and DWF™ formats for free viewing.
Autodesk NavisWorks Freedom 2010
Autodesk NavisWorks Freedom software is the free* viewer for published Autodesk NavisWorks NWD files. NavisWorks Freedom and NWD files give all stakeholders access to the whole-project view.
![[Image: Download.png]](https://forum.civilea.com/postgen/Download.png)
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