Hydraulics - Prof. B.S.Murty & Dr. B.S. Thandaveswara
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Notes from Professors of Indian Institute Of Technology, Madras.
A fluid is any substance that deforms continuously when subjected to shear stress, no matter how small the shear stress is.
Shear force is the force component tangent to the surface. Average shear stress is the shear force per unit area.
Fluids can be classified as ideal fluids and real fluids.
Ideal fluids are those which are incompressible with zero viscosity and, shear stress is always zero. Ideal fluid is hypothetical.
Fluids with viscosity are known as real fluids.
Example: Water, Milk, and Honey etc.,Then real fluids are classified as Newtonian and non-Newtonian. Box 1.1.
Examples of non-Newtonian fluids are Thixotrophic substance (thixotrophic jelly paints), ideal plastic, Bingham plastic (sewage sludge), pseudo plastic (clay, milk, cement), dilatant substance(quick sand) etc. Fig 1.1.
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