11-14-2009, 07:13 PM
New Developments in Advanced Welding
![[Image: 46153067709474212098.jpg]](https://pic.civilea.com/images/46153067709474212098.jpg)
Author: Nasir Ahmed
Edition: Illustrated
Publisher: CRC Press, 2005
ISBN: 1855739704, 9781855739703
Length: 298 pages
Pdf: 6 Mb
Condition: 9 points (over 10)
Recent developments in high-technology areas have significantly transformed the welding industry. Automation, computers, process control, sophisticated scientific instruments and advanced processing methods are all common in today's modern industry. Today's engineers and technologists have to support complex systems and apply sophisticated welding technologies. This comprehensive new book discusses the changes in advanced welding technologies preparing the reader for the modern industry. CONTENTS Gas metal arc welding; Tubular cored wire welding; Gas tungsten arc welding; Laser beam welding; Nd: YAG laser welding; New developments in laser welding; Electron beam welding; Developments in explosion welding technology; Ultrasonic metal welding; Occupational health and safety.
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