08-10-2024, 05:50 AM
MOP 158 : Structural Condition Assessment of Existing Buildings: A Guideline
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Abstract: Sponsored by the Structural Condition Assessment of Existing Buildings Subcommittee of the Structural Condition Assessment and Rehabilitation of Buildings Committee of the SEI Codes and Standards Activities Division of the Structural Engineering Institute of ASCE
Structural Condition Assessment of Existing Buildings: A Guideline, a new adaptation of ASCE Standard 11-99, Guideline for Structural Condition Assessment of Existing Buildings, provides current suggested guidelines on building condition assessments for selected materials and other areas related to the structural performance of existing buildings.
Topics include:
- Assessment procedure,
- Structural materials assessment,
- Evaluation procedures and evaluation of structural components and systems,
- Reporting on structural condition assessment, and
- Common building materials.
MOP 158 was created to reformat the original ASCE 11-99 guidelines into a more user-friendly, accessible format for utilization by qualified professional structural engineers and regulatory officials concerned with existing structures.
ISBN (PDF):9780784485422
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