BS 8103-2:2005
Structural design of low rise buildings. Code of practice for masonry walls for housing
Structural design of low rise buildings. Code of practice for masonry walls for housing
Standard Number: BS 8103-2:2005
Replaces: BS 8103-2:1996
Supersedes Draft: 04/30104570 DC
Committee: B/525/6/3
ISBN: 0580454630
Publisher: BSI
Format: A4
Pages: 38
BS 8103-2:2005 provides recommendations for walls above ground level damp proof course (DPC) and walls between ground floor level and top of foundation level in the following range of buildings of traditional construction:
a) low-rise housing comprising detached, semi-detached and terraced houses and flats (with not more than four self-contained dwelling units per floor accessible from one staircase) of not more than three storeys above ground, intended for domestic occupation and as governed by stated limiting conditions given in this code
b) certain small single storey non-residential buildings, e.g. domestic garages and annexes to residential buildings not exceeding 36 m2 in floor area.
For the purposes of this British Standard additional habitable accommodation in the roof space constitutes a storey of the house. BS 8103-2 does not include the design of basements, but providing the basement is of one level only and is designed to provide a firm platform at ground level, the provisions of this standard may apply to the superstructure above the basement.
The recommendations in BS 8103-2 are intended to provide economic safe designs without the need for calculations of loading and strength criteria.
This revision of BS 8103-2:2005 takes into account the introduction of the new harmonized product specifications for masonry units. This standard also includes the revised wind map for the United Kingdom and revised building height tables based on the basic wind speeds defined in BS 6399-2:1997.
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