08-31-2021, 11:01 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-31-2021, 11:06 AM by Administrator.
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AISC Webinar: Where Did That Force Come From? Combining Diaphragm Braced Frame Forces
Publisher: AISC| Peresented By: Rafael Sabelli | Year: 2014| Language: English| Format: avi| Duration: 01:26:48| Size: 132 MB| Quality: HD 720
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This presentation addresses the derivation of design forces for braced-frame beams and their connections for various loading conditions including wind and seismic loads. In particular, the presentation focuses on the combination of frame-design and diaphragm-design forces. The presentation gives a methodology for determining consistent sets of design forces based on increasing levels of complexity. Emphasis will be placed on clear free body diagrams and consistent sets of forces corresponding to clear and understandable load conditions for the frame.
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