08-01-2018, 04:54 AM
(This post was last modified: 09-02-2023, 11:09 AM by Administrator.)
AWS D1.3/D1.3M:2018 Structural Welding Code - Sheet Steel
Author(s)/Editor(s): AWS | Size: 5.88 MB | Format: PDF | Quality: Original preprint | Publisher: AWS | Year: 2018 | pages: 106 | ISBN: 978-0-87171-918-8
Author(s)/Editor(s): AWS | Size: 5.88 MB | Format: PDF | Quality: Original preprint | Publisher: AWS | Year: 2018 | pages: 106 | ISBN: 978-0-87171-918-8
![[Image: 05082436933547442381.jpg]](https://pic.civilea.com/images/05082436933547442381.jpg)
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One of the primary objectives of this code is to define the allowable capacities used in sheet steel applications in which transfer of calculated load occurs. The foremost examples of such applications are steel decks, panels, storage racks, and stud and joist framing members. It is a concurrent objective of this code to impose \Vorkmanship, technique, and qualification requirements so as to effect consistently sound execution of \velding of joints in these categories.
Certain shielded 1netal arc, gas 1netal arc, gas tungsten, gas metal arc, and flux cored arc welding procedure specifications (WPSs) when used with certain types of joints, have been tested by users and have a history of satisfaction perfonnance. These WPSs are designated as prequalified, may be en1ployed \vithout further evidence, and include 1nost of those that are co1nn1only used. However, the purpose of defining prequalified WPSs is not to preclude the use of other WPSs as they are qualified.
When other processes, WPSs, or joints are proposed, they are subject to the applicable provisions of this code and shall be qualified by tests. The obligation is placed on the contractor to prepare WPSs and qualify them before production use.
All WPSs (prequalified and qualified) must include the classification of the filler metal, its size, and for each type ofv.1eld, its melting rate or other suitable means of current control indicative of the melting rate, as applicable. The requirements for the qualification of v.1elders and welding operators are also given. A Welder qualification test requires each welder to prove their ability to produce satisfactory welds using prequalified or qualified WPSs.
Although this code is essentially directed at those joints that are used to transfer loads, the quality of welds \vhere strength is not a govenling consideration should 1neet quality standards that will 1naintain the integrity of the supporting structure. The allov.1able capacity provisions of Clause 4 could be disregarded when the ,velds are not used in a loadcarrying capacity.
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