07-03-2017, 05:42 AM
(This post was last modified: 09-01-2022, 09:02 AM by Dell_Brett.)
Eurocode 5 Span Tables 4th edition for solid timber members in floors, ceilings and roofs for dwellings
Author(s)/Editor(s): Keerthi Ranasinghe and the BM TRADA Engineering team | Size: 4.6 MB | Format: PDF | Quality: Original preprint | Publisher: TRADA Technology Ltd | Year: 2014 | pages: 88 | ISBN: 978-1-909594-14-2
Author(s)/Editor(s): Keerthi Ranasinghe and the BM TRADA Engineering team | Size: 4.6 MB | Format: PDF | Quality: Original preprint | Publisher: TRADA Technology Ltd | Year: 2014 | pages: 88 | ISBN: 978-1-909594-14-2
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BM TRADA's Eurocode 5 Span Tables is a well-established key resource in timber specification and building. It is an essential tool for calculating the size of solid, softwood, timber members necessary to give adequate support to floors, ceilings and roofs in dwellings.
The 4th edition includes:
NEW section of:
- trimmer tables: span tables for doubled-up trimmer and trimming joists are now included and are consistent with the permanent loading situations of the floor joists' tables. Reactions and fastener tables are included.
Revisions for:
- enhanced shear strength: those spans where shear is the governing criterion have been improved
- enhanced bearing strength: the bearing lengths required have reduced, which in turn increased the clear spans in some instances
- changes to some section sizes: an industry survey has prompted changes to the range of member sizes offered in the tables
Improved sections:
- on how to use the span tables
- frequently asked questions are addressed in the notes alongside the tables
Eurocode 5 span tables for solid timber members in floors, ceilings and roofs for dwellings is:
- the definitive reference guide to softwood sizes and spans for designers, specifiers and builders
- designed to supplement the England and Wales Approved Documents and it is applicable to timber design in other UK jurisdictions
- researched and written by BM TRADA, the experts on timber
Span tables were originally included in the England and Wales Building Regulations, Approved Document A: Structure. The tables are still referenced as guidance but the later editions of these tables have been produced and updated separately by BM TRADA.
Tables are included for domestic floor joists, ceiling joists and binders, rafters, and purlins supporting rafters for traditional pitched roofs. Calculations are also given for purlins supporting roof sheeting or cladding, and for flat roof joists, but trussed rafter roofs are excluded.
The tables cover softwood species and grade combinations which satisfy strength classes C16 and C24.
1. Introduction
a. How to use span tables
2. Timber specifications
a. Timber availability
3. Design considerations
a. Loading
b. Construction and basic workmanship recommendations
c. Eurocode 5 considerations
4. Tables of sizes of timber floor members
a. Floor joists
b. Trimmers and trimming joists
5. Tables of sizes of ceiling members
a. Ceiling joists and binders supporting ceiling joists
6. Tables of sizes of pitched roof members
a. Rafters and purlins supporting rafters
b. Purlines supporting roof sheeting or decking
7. Tables of sizes of flat roof joists
8. References
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