09-11-2016, 09:04 PM
RAM Elements V8i
Size: 341.4 MB
Size: 341.4 MB
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Bentley Systems Inc., the leading company dedicated to providing comprehensive software solutions for sustaining infrastructure, has released the V8i version of RAM Elements. This software for analysis and design of almost any type of structure or structural component complete with sophisticated design tools to help you with your everyday analysis and design needs.
Perform analysis and design – including quickly performing 3D finite element analysis – of almost any type of structure or structural component, all in one affordable application. You will save time and money by performing your daily design tasks for all of your building projects, simple or complex, all within a single easy-to-learn and use application. Complete your steel, concrete, cold-formed steel, timber, and masonry projects, regardless of complexity, on time and on budget. Maximize your software investment by using RAM Element’s simple graphic interface to quickly design trusses, continuous beams, and frames of all types. Quickly complete many other design tasks such as designing retaining walls, masonry walls, tilt-up walls, shear walls, or footings.
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