10-22-2009, 01:47 PM
Seismic Design and Steel Connection Detailing
![[Image: rfr3eyiqwnu7njbv4foh.gif]](https://pic.civilea.com/images/rfr3eyiqwnu7njbv4foh.gif)
Author: Michael L. Cochran
Published: NASCC Proceedings, 2003
Pdf: 1 Mb
The seismic design of connections for both steel moment frame and braced frame members has become much more complicated since the original adoption of the 1997 UBC, current adoption of IBC2000 and pending adoption of IBC2003 in the next year of so by the various States and local Building Departments. Since the 1994 Northridge Earthquake, there have been significant changes in the AISC Seismic Provisions for Steel Buildings (1997 edition, 1997 Supplements #1 and #2, 2002 edition) impacting design of both steel moment frame and steel brace framed lateral resisting systems. The results from the SAC program, initiated after the Northridge Earthquake, lead to the development of the FEMA 350 - 354 documents which are being extensively used for steel moment frame design. The intention of this paper is to provide some practical and useful information regarding connection design for both steel moment frames and steel braced frames. The emphasis is detailing for Seismic Design Categories (SDC) of D and higher which require Special Steel Moment Frames (SMF) and Special Concentric Braced Frames (SCBF). Detailing methods presented in this paper for SMF and SCBF may still be applicable to the steel Intermediate Moment Frame (IMF), steel Ordinary Moment Frame (OMF), and steel Ordinary Concentric Braced Frames (OCBF) in lower SDC A, B and C.
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