04-27-2014, 07:42 AM
Assessment of the modes of failure of retaining structures from previous major earthquakes: Caltrans Seismic Design Analysis of Retaining Walls Project
Author: Tadei Shayo Home Institution: UC Davis REU Institution: UCSD (Shake Table) REU Advisor: Prof. Lijuan (Dawn) Cheng, UC Davis Graduate Student Mentor: Erin Mock, UC Davis | Size: 968 KB | Format: PDF | Quality: Unspecified | Year: 2009 | pages: 21
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The report herein is part of a larger project; the objective of the larger project is to improve the seismic design guidelines for highway retaining walls. For the large project, two specimens of
full-scale, reinforced concrete gravity retaining walls were constructed according to the current building code of The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). The specimens will undergo shake table test at NEESinc’s Englekirk Center for Structural Engineering facility. The testing protocols to be used are the 1994 California Northridge (Mw= 6.7) and the 1999 Turkey Izmit/Kocaeli (Mw=7.4) earthquakes. The structural performance of the retaining walls after testing will thus be analyzed and used to make changes to the current design code. For this secondary project, assessment of the modes of failure of retaining walls from previous significant earthquake is done. A discussion is given regarding the correlations between the modes of failure and earthquake characteristics. Finally, recommendations as to which types of
reinforcing techniques are most effective in resisting seismic loads are given.
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