12-20-2013, 12:19 PM
Dynamic analysis of buildings for earthquake- resistant design
Author: Murat Saatcioglu and JagMohan Humar | Size: 536 KB | Format: PDF | Quality: Unspecified | pages: 22
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The proposed 2005 edition of the National Building Code of Canada specifies dynamic analysis as the preferred
method for computing seismic design forces and deflections, while maintaining the equivalent static force
method for areas of low seismicity and for buildings with certain height limitations. Dynamic analysis procedures are
categorized as either linear (elastic) dynamic analysis, consisting of the elastic modal response spectrum method or the
numerical integration linear time history method, or nonlinear (inelastic) response history analysis. While both linear
and nonlinear analyses require careful analytical modelling, the latter requires additional considerations for proper simulation
of hysteretic response and necessitates a special study that involves detailed review of design and supporting
analyses by an independent team of engineers. The paper provides an overview of dynamic analysis procedures for use
in seismic design, with discussions on mathematical modelling of structures, structural elements, and hysteretic response.
A discussion of the determination of structural period to be used in association with the equivalent static force
method is presented.
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