09-03-2013, 07:28 AM
Nonlinear Static Analysis to Assess Seismic Performance and Vulnerability of Code - Conforming RC Buildings
Author: A. CINITHA.A , P.K. UMESHA , NAGESH R. IYER | Size: 1.4 MB | Format: PDF | Quality: Unspecified | Publisher: WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on APPLIED and THEORETICAL MECHANICS | Year: 2012 | pages: 10
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The seismic zone map of Indian subcontinent emphasis that more than 60% of land is under severe
to moderate earthquake and approximate hábitat requirement is 2025 lakhes of buildings in each year. The
adequacy of post occupancy of buildings after an earthquake is highly demanded. This paper investigates
seismic performance and vulnerability analysis of 4storey and 6storey codeconforming (IS: 4562000, Indian
standard for plain and reinforced concrete code and IS: 18932002, Indian standard criteria for earthquake re
sistant design of structures) reinforced concrete (RC) buildings. The buildings are designed for two different
cases such as ordinary moment resisting frame (OMRF) and special moment resisting frame (SMRF). The non
linear static analysis (pushover analysis) is used to capture initial yielding and gradual progressive plastic be
haviour of elements and overall building response under seismic excitations. The deformation characteristics of
structural elements are essential to simulate the plastic hinge formation in the process of generation of capacity
curve during the pushover analysis. An analytical procedure is developed to evaluate the yield, plastic and ulti
mate rotation capacities of beams and columns along with different plastic hinge lengths. In the present study,
user defined plastic hinge properties of beams and columns are modeled using analytical expressions developed
based on Eurocode 8 and incorporated the same in pushover analysis using SAP2000. The nonlinear static
analysis is carried out for load patterns proportional to fundamental mode. The analysis gives an estimate of
seismic capacity of the structural system and its components based on its material characteristics and detailing
of member dimensions. A 100% dead load plus 50% live load is applied prior to the lateral load in the push
over analysis. The building performances are assessed with the capacity curve generated. Performance levels
are used to describe the limiting damage condition, which may be considered satisfactory for a building under
specific earthquake. The performance levels are expressed in terms of target displacement, defined by limiting
values of roof drift, as well as deformation of structural elements. The three performance levels considered in
the present study are immediate occupancy, life safety and collapse prevention. The vulnerability of the build
ings is estimated in terms of vulnerability index to assess the performance of the building.
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