Fatigue Design of Components
![[Image: 8wag8m2aeki6p76rwt.jpg]](https://pic.civilea.com/images/8wag8m2aeki6p76rwt.jpg)
Editors: Gary Marquis, J. Solin
Edition: Illustrated
Publisher: Elsevier, 1997
ISBN: 0080433189, 9780080433189
Length: 227 pages
Pdf: 8 Mb
This volume contains a selection of papers presented at Fatigue Design 95 held in Helsinki, Finland from 5-8 September 1995. The papers have been peer reviewed and present practical aspects for the design of components and structures to avoid fatigue failure.
Topics covered include: fatigue design experiences, ground vehicle components, component reliability, multiaxial fatigue, notch analysis, service loading, welded structures, probabilistics aspects in fatigue, fatigue design optimization.
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