04-27-2013, 09:53 PM
A Framework for 3D Finite Element Analysis of Lateral Pile System Response
Author: Ahmed Elgamal and Jinchi Lu | Size: 325 KB | Format: PDF | Quality: Unspecified | Publisher: ASCE | Year: 2009 | pages: 8
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Linear and nonlinear three-dimensional (3D) finite-element (FE) simulations are becoming increasingly feasible on ubiquitous personal computers. Particularly suited to seismic applications, the open-source computational platform OpenSees provides such 3D simulation capabilities. With the aid of the graphical user interface OpenSeesPL for pile-ground analyses, routine 3D computations for this demanding situation are greatly facilitated. Through an analysis of an idealized pile- system embedded in clay, the reported investigations provide an overview of the involved numerical capabilities and user interface. To start, a single pile FE model is calibrated based on an available 3D linear analytical solution. The computed pile behavior for linear and nonlinear ground situations is then contrasted with that of the corresponding 3 x 3 pile group for two different pile-spacing scenarios. On this basis, assessments of lateral pile-group efficiency can be made. Further research and related practical applications are also discussed.
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