02-24-2013, 06:24 AM
Analysis of shear wall structures of variable cross section
Author: Jacek Wdowick | Size: 1 MB | Format: PDF | Quality: Original preprint | Publisher: wiley | Year: 2010 | pages: 15
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A method has been proposed for the analysis of three-dimensional shear wall and shear core assemblies
having stepwise changes in the cross section. The analysis is based on a variant of the continuous connection
method. In the continuous approach, the connecting beams are replaced by equivalent continuous connections. The differential equation systems for shear wall structure segments of constant cross section are
uncoupled by orthogonal eigenvectors. The solution matches the boundary conditions of the upper and lower
parts of the wall at the plane of contiguity, at which an abrupt change in cross section occurs. This yields a
system of linear equations, which enable the determination of the integration constants. The correctness
and effi ciency of the proposed method are illustrated by its application to the analysis of plane and threedimensional shear wall systems of variable cross section
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