Modeling Complex Engineering Structures
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Authors: Robert E. Melchers, Richard Hough
Edition: Illustrated, revised
Publisher: ASCE Publications, 2007
ISBN: 0784408505, 9780784408506
Length: 359 pages
Pdf: 18.1 Mb
Pdf Quality Condition: 7 points (over 10)
Developments in numerical methods and higher-speed computing are providing rapid advances in the analysis and design of complex structures. So rapid that it can be difficult for engineers to keep abreast of this expanding knowledge. Modeling Complex Engineering Structures provides an overview of cutting-edge developments in computational theory and techniques as currently applied in various fields of structural analysis, in the United States and around the world. Individual contributors discuss research and practice in diverse but related applications such as high-rise buildings, lightweight long-span roofs, bridges, geotechnical structures, aging nuclear structures, offshore structures, automobiles, aircraft, and ships.
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