11-12-2012, 11:57 PM
National Geographic - Bahrain World Trade Centre
Size: 1.09 GB | Quality: 1280 x 720 | Format: MKV | Year: 2008 | Video Codec: AC3 | Language: English
![[Image: 00435566561524614058.jpg]](https://pic.civilea.com/images/00435566561524614058.jpg)
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This case study describes what many industrial professionals said was impossible to design and build - it features the design evolution of the large scale wind turbines proposed for the Bahrain Trade Center. It gives a detailed description of the wind turbines and how they are controlled demonstrating how several innovative ideas came together were technically validated and produced the design for this unique building.
The Bahrain World Trade Center forms the focal point of a master plan to rejuvenate an existing hotel and shopping mall on a prestigious site overlooking the Arabian Gulf in the downtown central business district of Manama, Bahrain. The concept design of the Bahrain World Trade Center towers was inspired by the traditional Arabian "Wind Towers" in that the very shape of the buildings harness the unobstructed prevailing onshore breeze from the Gulf, providing a renewable source of energy for the project.
The two 50 storey sail shaped office towers taper to a height of 240m and support three 29m diameter horizontal-axis wind turbines. The towers are harmoniously integrated on top of a three story sculpted podium and basement which accommodate a new shopping center, restaurants, business centers and car parking. The full case study can be downloaded here via PDF - Harnessing Energy in Tall Buildings.
![[Image: download.png]](http://postgen.civilea.com/icon/download.png)
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