10-28-2009, 09:10 AM
Composite Structures for Civil and Architectural Engineering
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Composite Structures for Civil and Architectural Engineering
Author : D-H Kim
Publisher : Taylor & Francis
Master eBook ISBN10 : 0-203-47496-1
Master eBook ISBN13 : 978-0-203-47496-9
No of illustrations : 214 line illus
No of pages :516
Originally Published : 1 Dec 1994
No of Copies : 5
Status : Available [You may read this title]
Modern composite materials offer structural engineers and architects exciting new opportunities for all types of buildings and structures. As well as being light weight with excellent corrosion resistance, composite structures can be designed with improved properties compared to conventional structural materials, such as enhanced toughness and thermal properties, and with the possibility of producing optimum members depending on the structural requirements. Composite materials have not yet found widespread application in construction. This is partly because many engineers do not have the necessary background expertise to take advantage of the properties and behaviour of composites. Composite Structures for Civil and Architectural Engineering provides the first comprehensive guide for engineers which will enable them to design composite structures with confidence. It integrates current knowledge on composites, bringing together information from various disciplines, such as materials science and aeronautical engineering, where composites are more widely used.
The book gives thorough explanations of the mechanics of the structural concepts/forms best suited for advanced composites and presents simplified but exact methods of analysis for typical laminate orientations suitable for use in construction. It links the underlying mathematical theory to practical design. Each chapter reviews the state-of the-art on the topic and identifies future directions for research and development. Extensive references to further information sources are given.
Table of contents : Introduction. Historical necessity. Basic concept of composites. Matrix. Reinforcements. Filamentary type composites. Composite manufacture. Application, present and future. Further reading.
Properties of composites. Introduction. Reinforcements. Matrices. Particulate composites. Other matrix based composites. Mechanical properties of fibrous composite. 'Comingle' and 'FIT' - new concepts for thermoplastic composites. References. Further reading.
Classical theory of elasticity and mechanics. Assumptions for classical theory of elasticity. Stress and strain. Hooke's Law. Two-dimensional problems (plane) problems. Stress at a point. Mohr's circle. Strain at a point. Pure shear. Equilibrium equations and boundary conditions for two-dimensional problem. Compatibility equations. Stress function. Application of stress function in rectangular coordinate system. Displacements in two-dimensional problem. Application of stress function using Fourier Series. Equilibrium equations in terms of displacements. Two-dimensional problems in polar coordinates. Solution of two-dimensional problems in polar coordinates. Problems of concentrated loads. Strain energy and principle of virtual work. Examples of use of the energy method. Castigliano's theorem. Equilibrium equations in three dimensions. Boundary conditions in three-dimensional problems. Compatibility equations in three-dimensional problems. Saint Venant', solution of the problem of torsion of a prismatic bar. Membrane analogy for torsional problems. Asymmetric bending of prismatic beams. Asymmetrical bending of a beam with longitudinal stringers. Torsion of thin-walled structures with longitudinal stringers. Determination of rate of twist of a cell. Shear centre of beams with longerons. Shear flow distribution in multicell beams with longerons. Out-of-plane bending of curved girders. Alternative formulation for out-of-plane bending of curved beams with constant radius. Bending in the plane of the ring. Elementary theory of thin shell. Space frame. Space trusses. Cable. Guyed tower. Review of beam theory. Plates with irregular shapes and arbitrary boundary conditions. References. Further reading.
Eigenvalue problems of beams and frames of isotropic materials. Stability of beams and frames. Structural vibration of beams and frames. References. Further reading.
Anisotropic elasticity. Introduction. Stress-strain relations of anitotropic materials. Engineering constants for orthotropic materials. Stress-strain relations of plane stress and plane strain problems for unidirectionally reinforced lamina. Transformation equations. Invariants. Laminates. Micromechanics - mechanical properties of composites. Numerical examples. References. Further reading.
One-dimensional structural elements of composite materials. Equations for beams and rods. Beams with hollow cross-sections. Eigenvalue problems of beams and frames of anisotropic materials. References. Further reading.
Plates and panels of composite materials. Equilibrium equations. Bending of composite plates. Boundary conditions. Navier solution for a simply supported plate of specially orthotropic laminate. Alternative solution for plates of specially orthotropic laminate. Review of stiffness. Plates with various sections. Eigenvalue problems for laminated plates. Simple method of analysis for preliminary design of the composite laminated primary structures for civil construction. Possibility of using the classical mechanics for the preliminary design of laminated composite structures for civil construction. References. Further reading.
Failure of composites. Introduction. Fracture. Fatigue. Failure theories. Design effort to reduce failure. References. Further reading.
Joints. Introduction. Mechanical joints. Adhesively bonded joints. References. Further reading.
Design. Introduction. Design and analysis of structures of four basic concepts. Design of structures of the fifth concept. Optimization of composite material structures. References. Further reading.
Appendix A: Units, symbols and conversion factors. Appendix B: Numerical analysis of structures. Appendix C: Matrices and determinants. Table index. Author index. Subject index.
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