06-28-2022, 12:38 PM
Author(s)/Editor(s): R F. Warner; Stephen Foster; Andrew Kilpatrick; Rebecca Gravina| Format: PDF| Quality: Original preprint| Publisher: Pearson Australia| Year: 2022| pages: 669 | ISBN: ISBN: 9780655706397,9780655706403
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The prime purpose of this new edition of Prestressed Concrete is to take account of important changes that have been made in the new edition of the Australian Standard for Concrete Structures, AS3600-2018 which appeared in 2018, and including Amendment 2 published in 2021.
Changes include modifications to the rectangular stress-block parameters for flexural strength calculations, modifications to the design clauses for shear and torsion, and changes in the safety coefficients for ultimate strength design which result in a slight reduction in the overall safety margins for design.
First published in 1979 by UNSW civil and structural engineering academics Robert F Warner and Ken Faulkes, Prestressed Concrete made a significant contribution to the global body of civil engineering knowledge and practice. It rapidly became a classic text for generations of students and throughout its subsequent editions has been extensively rewritten to take account of modern developments in the theory and practice of prestressed concrete construction.
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