Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics 2003
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K.J Bathe, "Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics 2003"
Elsevier Science | 2003 | ISBN: 0080440460 | 2524 pages | PDF | 179 MB
Bringing together the world's leading researchers and practitioners of computational mechanics, these new volumes meet and build on the eight key challenges for research and development in computational mechanics.
Researchers have recently identified eight critical research tasks facing the field of computational mechanics. These tasks have come about because it appears possible to reach a new level of mathematical modelling and numerical solution that will lead to a much deeper understanding of nature and to great improvements in engineering design.
The eight tasks are:
The automatic solution of mathematical models
Effective numerical schemes for fluid flows
The development of an effective mesh-free numerical solution method
The development of numerical procedures for multiphysics problems
The development of numerical procedures for multiscale problems
The modelling of uncertainties
The analysis of complete life cycles of systems
Education - teaching sound engineering and scientific judgement
Readers of Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics 2003 will be able to apply the combined experience of many of the world's leading researchers to their own research needs. Those in academic environments will gain a better insight into the needs and constraints of the industries they are involved with; those in industry will gain a competitive advantage by gaining insight into the cutting edge research being carried out by colleagues in academia.
Bridges the gap between academic researchers and practitioners in industry
Outlines the eight main challenges facing Research and Design in Computational mechanics and offers new insights into the shifting the research agenda
Provides a vision of how strong, basic and exciting education at university can be harmonized with life-long learning to obtain maximum value from the new powerful tools of analysis
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