Author: LAWRENCE E. KINSLER-AUSTIN R. FREY-ALAN B. COPPENS-JAMES V. SANDERS | Size: 19.7 MB | Format: PDF | Quality: Scanner | Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. | Year: 2000 | pages: 567 | ISBN: ISBN-10: 0471847895 | ISBN-13: 978-0471847892
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The classic acoustics reference! This widely-used book offers a clear treatment of the fundamental principles underlying the generation, transmission, and reception of acoustic waves and their application to numerous fields. The authors analyze the various types of vibration of solid bodies and the propagation of sound waves through fluid media.
Credit for the longevity of this work belongs to the original two authors, Lawrence Kinsler and Austin Frey, both of whom have now passed away. When Austin entrusted us with the preparation of the third edition, our goal was to update the text while maintaining the spirit of the first two editions. The continued acceptance of this book in advanced undergraduate and introductory graduate courses suggests that this goal was met. For this fourth edition, we have continued this updating and have added new material. Considerable effort has been made to provide more homework problems. The total number has been increased from about 300 in the previous editions to over 700 in this edition. The availability of desktop computers now makes it possible for students to investigate many acoustic problems that were previously too tedious and time consuming for classroom use. Included in this category are investigations of the limits of validity of approximate solutions and numerically based studies of the effects of varying the various parameters in a problem. To take advantage of this new tool, we have added a great number of problems (usually marked with a suffix "c" )where the student may be expected to use or write computer programs. Any convenient programming language should work, but one with good graphing software will make things easier. Doing these problems should develop a greater appreciation of acoustics and its applications while also enhancing computer skills.
The following additional changes have been made in the fourth edition:
(1) As an organizational aid to the student, and to save instructors some time, equations, figures, tables, and homework problems are all now numbered by chapter and section. Although appearing somewhat more cumbersome, we believe the organizational advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.
(2) The discussion of transmitter and receiver sensitivity has been moved to Chapter 5 to facilitate early incorporation of microphones in any accompanying laboratory.
(3) The chapters on absorption and sources have been interchanged so that the discussion of beam patterns precedes the more sophisticated discussion of absorption effects.
(4) Derivations from the diffusion equation of the effects of thermal conductivity on the attenuation of waves in the free field and in pipes have been added to the chapter on absorption.
(5) The discussions of normal modes and waveguideshave been collected into a single chapter and have been expanded to include normal modes in cylindrical and spherical cavities and propagation in layers.
(6) Considerations of transient excitations and orthonormality have been enhanced.
(7) Two new chapters have been added to illustrate how the principles of acoustics can be applied to topics that are not normally covered in an undergraduate course. These chapters, on finite-amplitude acoustics and shock waves, are not meant to survey developments in these fields. They are intended to introduce the relevant underlying acoustic principles and to demonstratehow the fundamentals of acoustics can be extended to certain more complicated problems. We have selected these examples from our own areas of teaching and research.
(8) The appendixes have been enhanced to provide more information on physical constants, elementary transcendental functions (equations, tables, and figures), elements of thermodynamics, and elasticity and viscosity.
New materials are frequently at a somewhat more advanced level. As in the third edition, we have indicated with asterisks in the Contents those sections in each chapter that can be eliminated in a lower-level introductory course. Such a course can be based on the first five or six chapters with selected topics from the seventh and eighth. Beyond these, the remaining chapters are independent of each other (with only a couple of exceptions that can be dealt with quite easily), so that topics of interest can be chosen at will. With the advent of the handheld calculator, it was no longer necessary for textbooks to include tables for trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions. While the availability of desktop calculators and current mathematical software makes it unnecessary to include tables of more complicated functions (Bessel functions, etc.), until handheld calculators have these functions programmed into them, tables are still useful. However, students are encouraged to use their desktop calculators to make fine-grained tables for the functions found in the appendixes. In addition, they will find it useful to create tables for such things as the shock parameters in Chapter 17.
Alan B. Coppens
Black Mountain, NC
James V. Sanders
Monterey, CA
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