ACI Material Journal Vol 106 No.6 November-December 2009
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The American Concrete Institute (ACI) is a nonprofit technical and educational society organized in 1904 and is one of the world's leading authorities on concrete technology. ACI is a forum for the discussion of all matters related to concrete and the development of solutions to problems. ACI conducts this forum through conventions and meetings; the ACI Structural Journal, the ACI Materials Journal, Concrete International, and technical publications; chapter activities; and technical committee work. As its chartered objective states, its purpose is "to provide a comradeship in finding the best ways to do concrete work of all kinds and in spreading that knowledge."
This implies a willingness on the part of each member to contribute from his or her training and knowledge to the benefit of the public at large. By maintaining a high standard of professional and technical ability in its committee memberships and in the authorship of papers and publications, as well as in local chapter programs, ACI has contributed to a detailed knowledge of materials and their resulting structures.
ACI publishes reliable information on concrete and its applications, conducts educational seminars, provides a standard certification program for the industry, provides local forums for discussion through the Chapter program, and encourages student involvement in the concrete field. Committee members involved with these activities meet at bi-annual conventions.
ACI Material Journal Vol 106 No.6 November-December 2009
Vol 106 No 6
106-m53 Tensile Properties of Early-Age Concrete
106-m54 Viscoplastic Analysis of Cementitious Extrudates under Squeeze Flow
106-m55 Influence of Mixing Sequence on Cement-Admixture Interaction
106-m56 Acoustic Emission and Ultrasound for Damage Characterization of Concrete Elements
106-m57 Material Behavior of an Ultra-High-Performance Concrete Forming Die for Sheet Metal Hydroforming
106-m58 Pervious Concrete; Compaction and Aggregate Gradation
106-m59 Simulation of Water Pressure on Washout of Underwater Concrete Repair
106-m60 Cracking Sensitivity of Normal- and High-Strength Concretes
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