Finite Element Modeling of Partially Restrained Beam-to-Girder Connections
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In recent years the design of steel framed composite floor systems has been controlled more often by serviceability criteria than by strength. It has been suggested that a partially continuous composite floor system would improve serviceability limit states; and that, partially restrained beam-to-girder connections are the key to such a floor system (Rex and Easterling 1994). A research project aimed at developing design methods and criteria for partially restrained beam-to-girder connections and partially continuous floor systems is currently in progress at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (VPI). This paper focuses on a finite element modeling technique that is being used to predict the moment-rotation behavior of various beam-to-girder connections. This method relies heavily on the behavior models of various connection sub-elements (bolts, welds, etc...). These connection sub-element models are also discussed.
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