(05-07-2012, 12:36 AM)eng donny Wrote: The logo's colour shall be like a wolrd unity representative, ie: UNO flag.Completely disagree !

UNO has nothing common with engineering, so I can't see any reason to expect that UNO will "unite" the civil engineers in this form. One can suggest to use the US or UK flag as a color scheme, as the official language of the forum corresponds to these countries, and 90% of the materials here are from these countries - and this would be more reasonable than choosing UN.
I like greenish appearance as it doesn't distract reader's attention when reading the text contents of the posts. And I don't think the color scheme is a big problem, as any forum engine can support several themes and color schemes that can be chosen by the user. It is a preference of the host/administrator of the forum to choose whatever he likes. If he wants to create something distinguishing appearance, and show his friends: "folks, take a look how stylish and fashionable my forum is" - why some of us should argue - this is his vision and his motivation to maintain the forum.
By the way, a alternative light color scheme (dark text on bright background is more easy to read, especially on mobile devices outdoor).
I suppose that the idea of this thread is to give a lot of suggestions and I am sure one of these will be brilliant and will create some style of the forum appearance. Nevertheless, the most important thing of the forum is its contents, not appearance.