04-23-2012, 10:37 AM
BS EN 7385-2:1993 Evaluation and measurement for vibration in buildings
Part 2 : Guide to damage levels from groundborn vibration
Part 2 : Guide to damage levels from groundborn vibration
Author: BSI | Size: 450 KB | Format: PDF | Quality: Original preprint | Publisher: BSI | Year: 1993 | pages: 17
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Executive summary
Guidelines for the evaluation and measurement of damage levels in buildings from groundborne vibration.
This British Standard, a part of the BS 7385 series, gives guidance on the assessment of the possibility of vibration-induced damage in buildings due to a variety of sources, and identifies the factors which influence the vibration response of buildings.
This standard is intended to provide a standard procedure for measuring, recording and analysing building vibration together with an accurate record of any damage occurring.
Vibrations of both transient and continuous character are considered. A method of assessment which takes into account the characteristics of the vibration, the building and the measured data are given.
This standard is applicable only to vibration transmitted through the ground and not to vibration set up by machinery within a building. It does not cover chimneys, bridges and underground structures such as chambers, tunnels and pipelines.
History and related standards
This British Standard should be considered together with BS 7385-1:1990.
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