03-16-2012, 08:49 PM
A Gypsum Mortar for Small-Scale Models
Author: Gajanan M. Sabnis and Richard N. White | Size: ?? MB | Format: PDF | Quality: Unspecified | Year: November 1, 1967 | pages: 767-774
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Document Name: JL64-68
Publication: Journal Proceedings
Volume: 64
Issue: 11
A high strength gypsum in combination with sand has been investigated extensively as a potential material for simulating concrete in small scale models of concrete structures. Similitude requirements for a material to be used in model studies are discussed briefly. Tests for determining the appropriate physical properties of a number of mixes are described. It is shown that the behavior of model gypsum mortar is very close to that of the prototype concrete and that it has several advantages over model cement mortars. Size effects as related to compressive and tensile strength are studied; a surface sealing technique is used to reduce size effects to a low level. Charts are presented to facilitate proportioning of different strength mixes, and references are given to a number of successful applications of the gypsum mortar in model studies.
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