Joining And Repair Of Composite Structures (ASTM Special Technical Publication, 1455.)
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Joining And Repair Of Composite Structures (Astm Special Technical Publication, 1455.)
By Hyonny Kim; Keith T. Kedward
Publisher: ASTM International | 216 pages | 2004-12-01 | ISBN: 0803134835 | PDF | English | 5.08 MB
Product Description:
Twelve peer-reviewed papers provide the latest information on the design, analysis, testing, and fabrication of structural joint and attachment configurations. Topics cover: Adhesively Bonded Attachments includes two useful analysis techniques on closed-form model development and the development of a test specimen configuration suitable for the strength measurement of lap joints loaded under in plane shear. This section also investigates a new double-strap joint design configuration that makes use of extra attachments to improve significantly the joint strength; the correlation between analysis and testing of thick section thermoplastics composite-to-titanium for a marine application; and a "bondable" peel ply application for bonding fiberglass skins to a polyamide honeycomb core. Adhesively Bonded Repair addresses the repair of new armor concepts that are to be used on advanced composite military vehicles, with particular focus on characterizing the dynamic response of the adhesive joints formed in scarf repairs; and the repair of thick steel structures used in earth excavation equipment. Bolted Attachments discusses mechanically-fastened joints, as well as cover bolted and riveted composite joint analyses; the Strain Invariant Failure Theory (SIFT&341; bolted joint failure prediction; and the use of nonlinear finite element analyses for predicting failure in composite joints based on lamina-level failure criteria.
Table of ContentsOverview
Application of a Sublaminate Method to the Analysis of Bonded Joints
Flanagan G., Chatterjee S.
Adhesive Nonlinearity and the Prediction of Failure in Bonded Composite Lap Joints
Kim H., Lee J.
Box Beam Lap Shear Torsion Testing for Evaluating Structural Performance of Adhesive Bonded Joints
Tomblin J., Seneviratne W., Kim H., Lee J.
Performance of a Composite Double Strap Joint with Attachments
Qian H., Sun C.
Evaluation of a Carbon Thermoplastic to Titanium Bonded Joint
Leon G., Trezza M., Hall J., Bittick K.
Mechanism of Adhesive in Secondary Bonding of Fiberglass Composites with Peel Ply Surface Preparation
Kieronski E., Knock K., Fallon W., Walker G.
Static and Dynamic Strength of Scarf-Repaired Thick-Section Composite Plates
Gama B., Mahdi S., Cichanowski C., Yarlagadda S., Gillespie J.
Installation of Adhesively Bonded Composites to Repair Carbon Steel Structure
Roach D., Rackow K., Dunn D.
Bolted Joint Analyses for Composite Structures — Current Empirical Methods and Future Scientific Prospects
Hart-Smith L.
IBOLT: A Composite Bolted Joint Static Strength Prediction Tool
Eisenmann J., Rousseau C.
Damage and Failure Mechanisms in Composite Bolted Joints
Bau H.
Development of Compression Design Allowables for Composite Bolted Joints Using ASTM Standard D 6742
Sawicki A.
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