09-01-2009, 05:36 PM
Safety in Tall Buildings
The reality of threats to the safety of tall and large buildings was starkly demonstrated by the unprecedented events at the World Trade Center in New York on 11 September 2001. Had these events not occurred, the World Trade Center would no doubt have continued to give many years of excellent service. The buildings were not unsafe by any criterion hitherto regarded as being credible in peacetime.
This Report examines what can be learned from the extreme events of 11 September 2001 for the future design of new buildings and the appraisal of existing ones. The purpose is to assist owners and operators of tall/large buildings and their professional advisers to play their part in reacting to the new threats to the safety of building occupants. The Report presents therefore initial recommendations by the Working Group on ‘Safety in Tall Buildings’following review of damage by extreme events to tall/large buildings at the World Trade Center and elsewhere world wide.
ISBN: 0 901297 24 0
Publisher: The Institute of Structural Engineers
![[Image: 7a0dakr66k5quce8mzi5.jpg]](https://pic.civilea.com/images/7a0dakr66k5quce8mzi5.jpg)
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