11-01-2011, 10:43 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-01-2011, 09:10 PM by Dell_Brett.)
Analysis of Water Resource Systems (Developments in Water Science)
Author: Ladislav Votruba | Size: 6.06 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: CRC Press Elsevier Science Ltd | Year: 1988 | pages: 454 | ISBN: 9780444989444
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of the development of politics, economics and specific economic and technological
fields in the last thirty years. The greater the necessity for relationships befween
functionally interdependent elements, and the more easily these relationships can
be realized, the sooner have systems been formed from these elements. The large-scale
systems developed in economics, energetics, transportation, and, since the sixties,
water management, require a qualitatively new approach and treatment.
The modern engineer, now and in the future, has to supplement individual reasoning
and creative work with a scientific approach to engineering tasks. Basically, the research-
scientist investigates and explains existing natural phenomena and the relationships
between them; the engineer creates something which is new and which
will become useful. Their activities mutually influence each other. In earlier times
engineering was more closely related to art, since engineering and art have the
element of creation in common; now engineering is closer to science.
In accordance with social needs, the research scientist is trained to demonstrate
theoretically the possibility of constructing a technical creations as a new, not yet
existing, reality and to bring it into existence. The classification of creative work
in applied research and development as scientific activity can be adopted without
hesitation. The relationship sciencdevelopment-implementation conceives of
science as an integral part of production.
If issues of water resource systems are to be treated at the contemporary level of
scientific knowledge, the appropriate, related scientific fields, such as systems analysis,
the probability theory, operations research etc. need to be understood.
The aim of this book, which deals with water management, is to present the basic
facts on complex water resource systems using the systems approach. Since no final
interpretation of the basic terms and concepts is available, they have been defined
in relation to another application of systems science, namely economics.
The fundamentals of the new, related scientific disciplines, the results of which
are used in complex water resource systems, have been included in the book to facilitate
reading and reduce the number of necessary reference books.The references
included in this book are intended for further study. The examples serve to show the
application of the general theory. Knowledge of the elements of theory of probability,
mathematical statistics, computer programming, hydrology and water
management has been assumed.
The book concentrates mainly on the problems of effective water supply and water
resource conservation in water resource systems. The issue of water quality in watercourses
and the special issues of waterworks, sewerage, navigation and hydroelectric
power generation have not been analysed in detail apart from the aspect of water
resource management.
More attention should be paid to the subsystem of flood control, its relationship
to the environment and its technical and economic relationships to water supplydemand
integration. A reference for more detailed investigation is given.
In the branches of science which deal with systems many issues and questions
have to be answered. This is also true of those disciplines where the systems approach
and the application of systems sciences were first introduced, e. g. automatic control
and economics; it naturally applies to the problems of water management, as proved,
for example, by five international symposia - “Water Resource Systems” held in
Czechoslovakia, first in Karlovy Vary, 1972, and the last in Znojmo, 1987.
The book sets out to offer the reader a set of principles and methods for dealing
with water resource systems on a scientific basis.It is hoped that, along with the basic
facts, it will provide an impetus to the further development of promising progressive
methods of dealing with the problems of water management by means of a systems
The theme of this book won a place in a competition held by the Czech Society of
Engineers and the Publishers of Technical Literature. The authors are indebted to
these institutes for the publication of this book.
The authors wish to express their special thanks to the following institutions:
Water Resources Development and Construction, Technical University of Prague,
the Faculty of Civil Engineering; Hydroproject, Prague, the Committee for Water
Management of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, and to individual members
of these institutions for their helpful suggestions. The authors wish to acknowledge
their gratitude to many colleagues, reviewers and students who have contributed
to the completion of this book.
The Authors
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