10-09-2011, 04:35 PM
Technical Manual for the Design and Construction of Roofs of Stainless Steel Sheet
Size: 4.2 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: Japan Stainless Steel Association | Year: 1985 | pages: 110
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Stainless steel is a metal having good corrosion resistance and durability, and a pleasing appearance. It is also commonly considered to be a necessary building material in modern architecture. Recently, various new stainless steel applications have been developed utilizing its outstanding features in constructing high-quality, multi-storied buildings. Demand for roofing stainless steel (mainly resin-coated stainless steel sheet), which was developed as a roofing material for housing, gyms, factories, and warehouses, has increased remarkably. The average annual increase in demand for roofing stainless steel has been more than 25 per cent for several years. Resin-coated stainless steel sheet, bake-finished with highquality organic paint on the surface of the rust-resistant stainless steel, has good corrosion resistance and durability, and can be used semi-permanently with almost no maintenance. Since roofing materials are exposed to rigorous natural and corrosive conditions for long periods, it can be said that pre-coated stainless steel sheet is the ideal roofing material. Pre-coated stainless steel sheet is still virtually unknown to the general public, however, and even architects and roofing workers do not sufficiently understand its characteristics, processing methods or structural roofing techniques.
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