11-09-2012, 03:34 AM
Consulting Geotechnical Engineering & Practice (Volume 1)
Author: John W Farage | Size: 10 MB | Format: PDF | Quality: Unspecified | Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform | Year: May 18, 2012 | pages: 268 pages | ISBN: 978-1477488492
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Consulting Geotechnical Engineering & Practice epublished in May 2012 at amazon.com Volume I • Emphasis on consulting work and problems facing geotechnical engineers. • Rich with solved problems, diagrams, charts, and step-by-step calculations. • Detailed analysis backed by illustrations and mathematical computations. • Right to the point explanations and analysis that would not waste your time. • Practical geotechnical designs accepted by developers and regulatory agencies. • Geotechnical consulting approach to solving problems. • Real projects in California, Virginia, Ohio, Georgia and other states. • Day-to-day problems facing geotechnical engineers with in depth analysis and approach. • “How-to-Report” section at the end of each chapter.
John W. Farage Snapshot Bio Mr. Farage has a Master’s Degree from Georgian institute of Technology. He has over 24 years of experience as a Geotechnical Engineer working for CH@MHILL, Bechtel, and Teratech. He was the project engineer of over 120 bridges, highway widening, and major transportation projects in Northern California, Ohio, and Virginia, and worked on major nuclear reactors, electric generating stations, and wastewater treatment plants. His experience includes Operations Manager of over forty engineers, geologists, technicians and drillers. While he managed a budget exceeding $300 million with the US Army in Iraq, he has an excellent knowledge of the day to day geotechnical operational work in California and other states such as Ohio, Virginia, and Georgia