Civil Engineer's Reference Book Fourth Edition
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![[Image: 54493260163327079036.jpg]](
Title: Civil Engineer's Reference Book (4th Edition)
Publisher: Elsevier
Copyright / Pub. Date: © 1989
ISBN: 978-0-7506-1964-6
Electronic ISBN: 978-0-0805-2345-3
No. Pages: 1246
Author/Editor: Edited by: Blake, Leslie S.
Knovel Release Date: Jul 8, 2003
Description: This fourth edition has been completely rewritten and updated. Now with 20 interactive graphs and 2 interactive tables It provides a concise and comprehensive survey of the fundamentals, theory and current practice in the many branches of civil engineering, giving state-of-the-art information and practical guidance for both student and practicing civil engineers.
Mathematics and statistics; Strength of materials; Theory of structures; Materials; Hydraulics; Engineering surveying; Photogrammetry and remote sensing; Geology for engineers; Soil mechanics; Rock mechanics; Site investigation; Reinforced and prestressed concrete design; Practical steelwork design; Aluminium and aluminium alloys; Load bearing masonry; Timber design; Foundations design; Dams and embankments; Loadings; Bridges; Buildings; Hydraulic structures; Highways; Airports; Railways; Ports and Harbours; Electrical power supply; Water supplies; Sewerage and sewage treatment; Land drainage irrigation and river maintenance; Coastal and maritime engineering; Tunnels and tunnelling; Contract management and control; Setting out on site; Temporary works; Selection and operating of plant and equipment; Concrete construction; Welded structure fabrication; Steelwork erection; Buried pipeline and sewer construction; Dredging; Underwater working; Demolition; Offshore construction.
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