08-22-2009, 08:00 AM
![[Image: 1702terrnm0o9p4xhz9.bmp]](https://pic.civilea.com/images/1702terrnm0o9p4xhz9.bmp)
Aluminum is easily the second most important structural metal, yet few designers seem to know much about it. Since 1940s, as aluminum rapidly became more important, engineers have been slow to investigate what it has to offer and how to design it. Aluminum is hardly mentioned in university courses. This book is a contribution to an educational process that still seems to be needed.
The object of this book is to provide a conversion course for engineers already familiar with steel, In fact, structural aluminum, a strong ductile metal, has much similarity to steel and design procedures are not very different. Chapters 1-4 give general information about aluminum and aluminum products, Chapter 4, with its coverage of the thorny subjectof alloys, being particularly important. The rest of the book (Chapters 5-12) provides rules for making structural calculations and the reasoning that lies behind them. The treatment is mainly aimed at the construction industry.
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