ASCE Journal Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 1999
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Complete 1999 Edition
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List of Articles from Jan 1999 to March 1999
January 1999
1. Moment-Carrying Capacity of Short Pile Foundations in Cohesionless Soil
by E.A. Dickin and Ramli bin Nazir
2. Strengthening of Solidified Dilute Tailings Slurry
by D.H. Zou and L.P. Li
3. Lateral Vibration and Internal Forces of Grouped Piles in Layered Soil
by G. Mylonakis and G. Gazetas
4. Seismic Soil-Structure Interaction in Buildings I: Analytical Methods
by J.P. Stewart, G.L. Fenves, and R.B. Seed
5. Seismic Soil-Structure Interaction in Buildings II: Empirical Findings
by J.P. Stewart, R.B. Seed and G.L. Fenves
6. Limit Analysis of Soil Slopes Subjected to Pore-Water Pressures
by J. Kim, R. Salgado, and H.S. Yu
7. Upper-Bound Solutions for Bearing Capacity of Foundations
by Abdul-Hamid Soubra
8. Time-Series Analysis for Determining Vertical Air Permeability in Unsaturated Zones
by Ning Lu
9. Mechanical Behavior of Interconnected Concrete-Block Retaining Wall
Discussion by Frank Atuahene
February 1999
1. Tieback Walls in Sand: Numerical Simulation and design Implications
by J-L Briaud and Yujin Lim
2. Impedance Analysis of Soil Dielectric Dispersion (1 MHz - 1 GHz)
by V.A. Ribaldi and F.M. Francisca
3. Load Deformation Analysis of Bored Piles in Residual Weathered Formation
by E.G. Balakrishnan, A.S. balasubramaniam, and Noppadol Phien-wej
4. Sheredded Tires and Rubber-Sand as Lightweight Backfill
by J.H. Lee, R. Salgado, A. Bernal, and C.W. Lovell
5. Deep Jet-Grouted Cut-Offs Riverine Alluvia for Ertan Cofferdams
by P.G. Sembenelli, and G. Sembenelli
6. Effect of Static Interaction on Vertical Vibration of Pile
by H.G. Poulos and S. Bandyopadhyay
7. Geosynthetic Clay Liners Subjected to Differential Settlement
Discussion byV.S. Viswanadham, H.L. Jessberger, and G.V. Rao
March 1999
1. Capturing Nonspherical Shape of Granular Media with Disk Clusters
by P.A. Thomas and J.D. Bray
2. Statistical to Fuzzy Approach Toward CPT Soil Classification
by Zhongjie Zhang, M.T. Tumay
3. Nonlinear Ground Response at Lotung LSST Site
by R.I. Borja, H-Y Chao, D.J. Montans, and C-H Lin
4. Seepage Control Remediation at Hodges Village Dam, Oxford, Massachusetts
by S.W. Dunbar and T.C. Sheahan
5. Pile Responses Causes by Tunneling
by L.T. Chen, H.G. Poulos, and N. Loganathan
6. Investigation of Factors Affecting Vertical Drain Behavior
by J-C Chai and Norihiko Miura
7. Stability of Retaining Walls against Overturning
Discussion by A.M. Ghaly