06-02-2011, 06:35 AM
Asphalt Mix Design and performance
Author: Badaruddin and White, Thomas D | Size: 7.6 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: Purdue University | Year: 1995 | pages: 209
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Premature flexible pavement distress became a major concern in Indiana. As a result, a study was conducted investigating the major underlying factors. Pavement sections were investigated based on a factorial study with four factors comprised of climate, truck traffic, pavement base type, and wheel path. The distresses evaluated were rutting, thermal cracking and stripping. All were evaluated agaist control sections with zero distress. The pavement condition of each section was determined. Laboratory tests of field samples included physical properties, dynamic creep and recompaction. Results of the study indicate that the Asphalt Institute mix design criteria identify an asphalt content that is too high. Inplace densities were found to be inadequate and a recommendation was made to use higher field compactive effort. The USAE Gyratory Testing Machine (GTM) was used in laboratory" studies to recompact bulk samples of mixtures. Good agreement was shown between GTM and in situ bulk density and air voids. Tests confirm that the in situ asphalt content was too high. Gap graded gradations were found to be prone to rutting. Benefit is shown in using dynamic modulus to evaluate mixtures. A statistical analysis method, discriminant analysis, was used to accurately predict mixture field performance using laboratory data.
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