04-14-2012, 09:29 AM
When I tried to post reply to a thread I have received following message:
Please correct the following errors before continuing:
The subject is too long. Please enter a subject shorter than 85 characters (currently 89).
Subject that is generated automatically is:
RE: Final Report on the Collapse of the Dallas Cowboys Indoor Practice Facility, May 2, 2
That subject title has 89 characters (with spaces).
I do not think that a subject can be changed when we make a reply. Or am I wrong?
My guess is that this type of error can be expected for every thread with a very long name.
Thread in problem
Please correct the following errors before continuing:
The subject is too long. Please enter a subject shorter than 85 characters (currently 89).
Subject that is generated automatically is:
RE: Final Report on the Collapse of the Dallas Cowboys Indoor Practice Facility, May 2, 2
That subject title has 89 characters (with spaces).
I do not think that a subject can be changed when we make a reply. Or am I wrong?
My guess is that this type of error can be expected for every thread with a very long name.
Thread in problem
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