Author: Theodore V. Galambos Washington University C.E. Dept St. Louis, Missouri 63130 | Size: 321 KB | Format: PDF | Publisher: National Engineering Conference sponsored by AISC | Year: 1981 | pages: 34
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The LRFD Specification is now (May 1981) ready to be debated by the Specification Advisory Committee of the AISC. The draft has been put together by Professor Steven Fenves of Carnegie-Mellon University and a number of Task Committees of the AISC.
The document is an entirely self-contained specification which encompasses all the parts of the well known 1978 AISC Specification, It is arranged in accordance with the decision table logic developed by Professor Fenves. It is subdivided by members (e.g., tension members, compression members, flexure members, connections), and each type element is given the appropriate resistance factor and the nominal resistance for each applicable limit state. The -factors are determined by the probabilistic method described earlier in this paper. The applicable load factors are those which were recommended for the ANSI load standard (Ref. 2). The AISC LRFD Specification has, in addition to the arrangement and the LRFD format, also a number of other new features. It is not the intent here to enumerate these in detail, and only a few will be mentioned: beams (Fig. 10) and beam-columns (Fig. 11) will be treated differently from the 1978 AISC Specification; composite beam design will be based on ultimate strength concepts; and, for the first time, the Specification will contain provisions for the design of composite columns.
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