05-29-2011, 06:29 AM
Probabilistic Methods for Seismic Assessment of Existing Structures
Author: Paolo E. Pinto | Size: 3.4 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: IUSS Press | Year: 2007 | pages: 188 | ISBN: 9788861980105
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This self-contained document provides a presentation and illustration of two methods (one based on non-linear static analysis, the other on non-linear time-history analysis) for probabilistic seismic risk assessment of structures. The presented methods belong to a class which has been under development (mainly in the US) since more than a decade, and it is now firmly established and gaining wide international acceptance. The principal appeal of these methods is that they require only a limited background in probability and statistics. While they are presently directly usable for the assessment of existing structures, their extension for direct design purposes is currently under way. In order to facilitate the use of these methods the type and amount of information required for their application is also illustrated in this document. In particular, one chapter introduces the probabilistic representation, and evaluation, of the seismic hazard (PSHA) and the issue of selection and scaling of recorded ground motions for the purpose of dynamic analysis. A further chapter gives an overview of the most recent research aimed at developing models for the capacity (strength or deformability) of structural members and connections/joints in RC and steel structures. A detailed presentation of several case-studies illustrating the two approaches completes the document.
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