Design of Prestressed concrete Lectures Full
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Faculty Coordinator(s) :
1. Prof. Devdas Menon
Department of Civil Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
2. Prof. Amlan Kumar Sengupta
Department of Civil Engineering
Chapter 1: Introduction, Prestressing Systems and Material Properties
1.1 Introduction
1.1.1 Basic Concept
1.1.2 Early Attempts of Prestressing
1.1.3 Brief History
1.1.4 Development of Building Materials
1.2 Advantages and Types of Prestressing
1.2.1 Definitions
1.2.2 Advantages of Prestressing
1.2.3 Limitations of Prestressing
1.2.4 Types of Prestressing
1.3 Pre-tensioning Systems and Devices
1.3.1 Introduction
1.3.2 Stages of Pre-tensioning 1.3.3 Advantages of Pre-tensioning
1.3.4 Disadvantages of Pre-tensioning
1.3.5 Devices
1.3.6 Manufacturing of Pre-tensioned Railway Sleepers
1.4 Post-tensioning Systems and Devices
1.4.1 Introduction
1.4.2 Stages of Post-tensioning
1.4.3 Advantages of Post-tensioning
1.4.4 Disadvantage of Post-tensioning
1.4.5 Devices
1.4.6 Manufacturing of Post-tensioned Bridge Girder
1.5 Concrete (Part I)
1.5.1 Constituents of Concrete
1.5.2 Properties of Hardened Concrete (Part I)
1.6 Concrete (Part II)
1.6.1 Properties of Hardened Concrete (Part II)
1.6.2 Properties of Grout
1.6.3 Codal Provisions
1.7 Prestressing Steel
1.7.1 Forms of Prestressing Steel
1.7.2 Types of Prestressing Steel
1.7.3 Properties of Prestressing Steel
1.7.4 Codal Provisions
Chapter 2: Losses in Prestress
2.1 Losses in Prestress (Part I)
2.1.1 Introduction
2.1.2 Elastic Shortening
2.2 Losses in Prestress (Part II)
2.2.1 Friction
2.2.2 Anchorage Slip
2.2.3 Force Variation Diagram
2.3 Losses in Prestress (Part III)
2.3.1 Creep of Concrete
2.3.2 Shrinkage of Concrete
2.3.3 Relaxation of Steel
2.3.4 Total Time-dependent Loss
Chapter 3: Analysis of Members
3.1 Analysis of Members under Axial Load
3.1.1 Introduction
3.1.2 Analysis at Transfer
3.1.3 Analysis at Service
3.1.4 Analysis for Ultimate Strength
3.1.5 Analysis of Behavior
3.2 Analysis of Member under Flexure (Part I)
3.2.1 Introduction
3.2.2 Analyses at Transfer and at Service
3.3 Analysis of Member under Flexure (Part II)
3.3.1 Cracking Moment
3.3.2 Kern Point
3.3.3 Pressure Line
3.4 Analysis of Member under Flexure (Part III)
3.4.1 Analysis for Ultimate Strength
3.4.2 Variation of Stress in Steel
3.4.3 Condition at Ultimate Limit State
3.4.4 Analysis of a Rectangular Section
3.5 Analysis of Member under Flexure (Part IV)
3.5.1 Analysis of a Flanged Section
3.6 Analysis of Member under Flexure (Part V)
3.6.1 Analysis of Partially Prestressed Section
3.6.2 Analysis of Unbonded Post-tensioned Beam
3.6.3 Analysis of Behaviour Chapter 4: Design of Members
4.1 Design of Members
4.1.1 Calculation of Demand
4.1.2 Design of Sections for Axial Tension
4.2 Design of Sections for Flexure (Part I)
4.2.1 Preliminary Design
4.2.2 Final Design for Type 1 Members
4.2.3 Special Case
4.3 Design of Sections for Flexure (Part II)
4.3.1 Final design of Type 2 members
4.4 Design of Sections for Flexure (Part III)
4.4.1 Choice of Sections
4.4.2 Determination of Limiting Zone
4.4.3 Post-tensioning in Stages
4.5 Design of Sections for Flexure (Part IV)
4.5.1 Magnel’s Graphical Method
4.6 Detailing Requirements for Flexure
4.6.1 Tendon Profile
4.6.2 Minimum Amount of Reinforcement
4.6.3 Miscellaneous Requirements
Chapter 5: Analysis and Design for Shear and Torsion
5.1 Analysis for Shear
5.1.1 Stress in an Uncracked Beam
5.1.2 Types of Cracks
5.1.3 Components of Shear Resistance
5.1.4 Modes of Failure
5.1.5 Effect of Prestressing Force
5.2 Design for Shear (Part I)
5.2.1 General Comments
5.2.2 Limit State of Collapse for Shear
5.3 Design for Shear (Part II)
5.3.1 Design of Transverse Reinforcement
5.3.2 Detailing Requirements
5.3.3 Design Steps
5.4 Analysis for Torsion
5.4.1 Stresses in an Uncracked Beam
5.4.2 Crack Pattern Under Pure Torsion
5.4.3 Components of Resistance for Pure Torsion
5.4.4 Modes of Failure
5.4.5 Effect of Prestressing Force
5.5 Design for Torsion (Part I)
5.5.1 General Comments
5.5.2 Limit State of Collapse for Torsion
5.5.3 Design of Longitudinal Reinforcement
5.6 Design for Torsion (Part II)
5.6.1 Design of Transverse Reinforcement
5.6.2 Detailing Requirements
5.6.3 Design Steps
Chapter 6: Calculations of Deflection and Crack Width
6.1 Calculation of Deflection
6.1.1 Deflection due to Gravity Loads
6.1.2 Deflection due to Prestressing Force
6.1.3 Total Deflection
6.1.4 Limits of Deflection
6.1.5 Determination Moment of Inertia
6.1.6 Limits of Span-to-effective Depth Ratio
6.2 Calculation of Crack Width 6.2.1 Method of Calculation
6.2.2 Limits of Crack Width
Chapter 7: Transmission of Prestress
7.1 Transmission of Prestress (Part I)
7.1.1 Pre-tensioned Members
7.2 Transmission of Prestress (Part II)
7.2.1 Post-tensioned Members
Chapter 8: Cantilever and Continuous Beams
8.1 Cantilever Beams
8.1.1 Analysis
8.1.2 Determination of Limiting Zone
8.1.3 Cable Profile
8.2 Continuous Beams (Part I)
8.2.1 Analysis
8.2.2 Incorporation of Moment due to Reactions
8.2.3 Pressure Line due to Prestressing Force
8.3 Continuous Beams (Part II)
8.3.1 Principle of Linear Transformation
8.3.2 Concordant Tendon Profile
8.3.3 Tendon Profiles
8.3.4 Partially Continuous Beams
8.3.5 Analysis for Ultimate Strength
8.3.6 Moment Redistribution
Chapter 9: Special Topics
9.1 Composite Sections
9.1.1 Introduction
9.1.2 Analysis of Composite Sections
9.1.3 Design of Composite Sections
9.1.4 Analysis for Horizontal Shear Transfer
9.2 One-way Slabs
9.2.1 Introduction
9.2.2 Analysis and Design
9.3 Two-way Slabs (Part I)
9.3.1 Introduction
9.3.2 Analysis and Design
9.3.3 Features in Modeling and Analysis
9.3.4 Distribution of Moments to Strips
9.4 Two-way Slabs (Part II)
9.4.1 Checking for Shear Capacity
9.4.2 Spandrel Beams
9.4.3 Anchorage Devices
9.4.4 Additional Aspects
9.5 Compression Members
9.5.1 Introduction
9.5.2 Analysis
9.5.3 Development of Interaction Diagram
9.5.4 Effect of Prestressing Force
9.6 Circular Prestressing
9.6.1 Introduction
9.6.2 General Analysis and Design
9.6.3 Prestressed Concrete Pipes
9.6.4 Liquid Storage Tanks
9.6.5 Ring Beams
9.6.6 Conclusion
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