Structural use of glass in buildings
Author: ISE | Size: 31 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: The Institution of Structural Engineers | Year: 1999 | pages: 168 | ISBN: 1874266514
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Glass remains an elusive material for engineers, feared because it is brittle, under-used because design data is so hard to find.
This is especially vexatious because it is a material much sought after by architects. It is hard to think of any modern building in which glass does not play an important part.
Transparency and translucency are essential features of modern architecture.
There are many books and many precedents that inspire designers to use glass but the data designers need is not easy to find. It exists but it is not available from a single source.
This guide attempts to assemble the information that structural engineers will need.
In doing so it touches on many issues that influence design but which are not necessarily themselves structural, for example condensation, colour and acoustical behaviour.
The guide is aimed at two distinct groups of users.
- Those who want straightforward advice on how to do something in glass with guidance on the applicability of the designs or details that are offered.
- Those who want to design in glass from first principles.
As far as possible the guide compares and contrasts the structural behaviour of glass with that of other, better-known, structural materials.
Whilst primarily aimed at structural engineers the guide will be of interest to a wide variety of professionals within the construction industry.
The report was part-funded by the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions under the Partners in Technology programme.
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