EN 12699:2000 Execution of special geotechnical work - Displacement piles
Author: CEN/TC 288 | Size: 0.85 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: CEN | Year: 2000 | pages: 50 | ISBN: 0580370364
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are installed in the ground without excavation or removal of material from the ground except for limiting heave, vibration, removal of obstructions or to assist penetration.
Piles are driven into the ground using impact, vibration, pressing, screwing or a combination of these methods. 1.2 The material of displacement piles covered by this standard can be :
¾ steel ;
¾ cast iron ;
¾ concrete, mortar ;
¾ timber ;
¾ grout ;
¾ combination of above.
1.3 This standard covers prefabricated, cast in place, or a combination of these methods to form displacement
piles of regular shape.
Examples are given in Figures A.2 and A.3 in annex A.
1.4 This standard is limited to piles with a diameter or maximum cross sectional dimension greater than 150 mm.
1.5 Other than practical considerations there are for the purpose of this Standard no limitations regarding shaft
or base enlargements, length or rake.
1.6 The provisions of the standard apply to :
¾ single piles ;
¾ pile groups ;
¾ walls formed by concrete sheet piles.
1.7 Columns constructed by ground improvement techniques (such as mixed in place columns, jet grouting,
compaction grouting, vibro flotation, stone columns are not covered by this standard. Bored piles are covered in EN
1536. Steel and timber sheet piles walls are covered in EN 12063. Micropiles are covered in (WI 00288010)1).
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