Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete - Prof. Fardis, M
Author: Michael Fardis | Size: 27.3 MB | Format: PDF | Year: 2010
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Seismic Design of Steel Structures
Instructor : Prof. Michael Fardis
Course Syllabus:
Overview of the philosophy and basic requirements of the Regulations of modern seismic design of reinforced concrete buildings based forces: control of inelastic seismic response through capacity design configuration and construction of sites for plastic hinge ductility.
The basic choice between strength and ductility for seismic design.
Home building earthquake-resistant design of reinforced concrete buildings: characteristics favorable or unfavorable to framework and structural morphology, wall or joint undertaking seismic structural systems operations.
Education system for seismic building foundation.
Examples of seismic buildings adverse structural morphology.
Mechanical behavior of concrete reinforcing bars u their interaction under cyclic tension.
Profiles, members and nodes of reinforced concrete under cyclic flexural or shear stress: experimental results and modeling behavior.
Development Ms. justification Eurocode 8 rules for the construction of reinforced concrete forming for ductility.
Outline and justification rules Eurocode 8 for the analysis - linear or nonlinear - the seismic response of reinforced concrete buildings, as part of the design.
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