Building Facade Maintenance, Repair, and Inspection
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Building Facade Maintenance, Repair, and Inspection
(Astm Special Technical Publication, 1444)
By ASTM International
Publisher: ASTM International
325 pages
ISBN: 0803134754
PDF 8.55 MB
Product Description:
This new ASTM publication, combined with ASTM Standard Practice for Periodic Inspection of Building Facades for Unsafe Conditions (E 2270), provide a rational guide for building owners and governing authorities to help ensure the safety of our aging building infrastructure. Written by experts who bring their first hand knowledge and experience to this work, these 24 peer-reviewed papers cover a wide diversity of architecture within North America. Papers are grouped into the following headings: • Purpose and Background to Facade Ordinances • Addressing Historic Buildings • Investigation and Data Collection Techniques • Material and Repair Techniques STP 1444 is a valuable resource for architects, engineers, contractors, and public and private facility owners.
Table of Contents
Reporting Unsafe Conditions at Public Schools and Private Structures
Erdly J., Bekelja G.
Evolution of the Development of the Chicago Facade Inspection Ordinance
Chin I., Gerberding H.
New York City's Local Law 10 at Twenty: Critical Issues for Critical Examinations
David May R.
Façade Ordinances and Historic Structures — Theoretical and Practical Conservation Issues in Inspection and Repair
Fong K., Louie C.
New Methods for Designing Restoration Repairs for Historic Building Facades: A Case Study
Scheffler M., Itle K.
Terra Cotta Facades
Hoigard K., Mulholland G., Haukohl R.
Emergency Repairs for Historic Facades
Pulley D., Robison E.
Facade Maintenance: Owner's Techniques for Data Management
Chadwick J., McJunkin J.
Industrial Rope Access — An Alternate Means for Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair of Building Facades and Structures
Vossoughi H., Siddiqui R.
Direct Digital Input of Façade Survey Data Using Handheld Computing Devices
Diebolt K., Banta J., Corbin C.
Seeing and Photographing Your Visual Observations
Petermann M.
Integrating Advance Evaluation Techniques with Terra Cotta Examinations
Gentry T., Davis A.
Unique Considerations for Stone Facade Inspection and Assessment
Farmer M.
Facade Inspections a Must for Both New and Old Buildings — A Case Study on Two High Rise Structures
McGinley W., Ernest C.
How Deteriorated Can Marble Facades Get? Investigation and Design of Repairs
Lavon B.
Stone Facade Inspection Of 1776 F Street
Taylor T., Hueston F.
Façade Repair Examples in the Midwest: Cracking, Twisting and Falling
LaBelle J.
Glass Facade Assessment
Schwartz T.
Concrete Facades: Investigation and Repair Project Approaches
Taylor G., Gaudette P.
Facade Ordinances and Temporary Stabilization Techniques for Historic Masonry Facades
Gabby B., Vossoughi H.
Designer-Led Design/Build — Alternative Project Delivery Method for Façade Evaluation and Repair Projects — Case Study on an 11 Story Apartment Building
VanOcker D.
Preparation for and Collection of Facade Deficiencies at Large Complexes
Madden A., Petermann M.
Guidelines for Inspection of Natural Stone Building Facades
Brom A.
Assessing the Apparent Watertight Integrity of Building Facades
Stieve D., Díaz de León A., Drerup M.
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