Seismic Retrofitting of Historic Masonry Buildings – Case Study
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Journal: Advanced Materials Research (Volumes 133 - 134)
Volume: Structural Analysis of Historic Constructions
Edited by: Xianglin Gu and Xiaobin Song
Pages: 991-996
Citation: A.R. Santhakumar et al., 2010, Advanced Materials Research, 133-134, 991
Online since: October, 2010
Authors: A.R. Santhakumar, M.S. Mathews, S. Thirumurugan, Rao Uma
Brick, Burnt Clay Brick, Carbon Fiber Sheet (CFS), Ferro-Cement, Ferrocement Bands, Lime Concrete, Load-Bearing Masonry, Retrofitting, Wire-Mesh
Abstract Masonry heritage building built during early part of 19th century have characteristic colonial architecture using masonry walls and jack arch roofing supported on steel beams. They are highly vulnerable to failure during earthquakes. This paper describes a methodology to quantify their vulnerability and then based on this a scheme of structural retrofitting is suggested. The aim of this presentation, through 4 case studies of buildings located in Delhi, India, is to exemplify various aspects of analysis, design and execution methodology of the retrofitting scheme for such important heritage structures. The assessment of vulnerability is based on its location, codes of practice with respect to materials and loading. The main challenge in choosing the appropriate retrofitting scheme lies in retaining the architecture and aesthetics. Also the retrofitting has to be completed in the least possible time causing minimum disturbance to the occupants. This has been achieved through a combination of Ferro-cement bands and FRP sheets. The execution of retrofitting was considered to make use of available local materials and expertise. The building is analysed in detail and the areas where stress concentration takes place is further strengthened.
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