Site Engineers Manual
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Edited by
David Doran
Formerly Chief Structural Engineer,
Wimpey plc
ISBN 1-870325-24-9
This manual provides guidance for engineers on construction sites and lists references from which to obtain further and supporting information. It is a daunting challenge to adequately advise and steer site engineers for the wide range of construction projects on which they might be employed. David Doran with his fellow authors successfully advises from earthworks and foundations through structures to cladding, services and finishes. Management, quality, health and safety, plant, setting out and weather are dealt with separately. At 452 pages it still lists over 500 British Standards and other documents for further information. Many of those will in turn refer to more documents. How do engineers get the time to become reasonably familiar with those they are deemed to know and the application of them to problems arising on site? Many Codes do not contain advice for those dealing with temporary works and other site activities. A notable exception is BS 5975 for falsework and chapter 11 draws particular attention to this and a few more of its references but other chapters are not so helpful.
Construction is undertaken by a workforce under the direction of foremen and charge-hands. The task of the site engineer is to enable them to operate efficiently and accurately. The site engineer needs to work closely with them to provide setting out which enables the work to be constructed and controlled easily with checks made at appropriate stages when any adjustments can be made with minimal delay and cost. The workforce and supervisors need to have confidence in their site engineer and the instructions provided not least because his actions can affect their productivity and bonus. With confidence in him/her they are more likely to be forthcoming with practical suggestions. More could have been included about working and communicating with people on site but then what does one leave out!
The codes, standards, guides and regulations applying to construction seem to be constantly increasing and changing and engineers keep abreast of them with difficulty. Manuals such as this one are much needed and this one is commended for site engineers.
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