11-03-2010, 05:29 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-05-2010, 10:45 PM by Dell_Brett.)
BS 6375:2009 part 1, 2 and 3 Performance of windows and doors
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BS 6375-1:2009 Performance of windows and doors. Classification for weathertightness and guidance on selection and specification
BS 6375 gives guidance on how to apply BS EN 14351. BS 6375-1 specifies the exposure categories related to test pressure levels for air permeability, watertightness and wind resistance for external windows and doorsets. It applies to all types of vertical windows and doorsets, and includes windows in which the opening lights are not fully framed, e.g. adjustable glass louvres. It is also relevant to both factory-glazed and site-glazed products.
BS 6375 provides advice on the selection of performance characteristics for windows and doorsets intended for the UK market. The full range of characteristics is also provided in the various parts of BS EN 14351.
BS EN 14351 has to be referenced if windows and doors are to be CE marked. Not all the characteristics listed in BS EN 14351 are required for CE marking, and of those that are required, only those mandated (i.e. covered by national building regulations) in the UK need be declared. Manufacturers wishing to CE mark products are advised to seek advice from the relevant national regulatory authority.
The majority of characteristics identified in BS EN 14351 have a number of performance levels. BS 6375 provides guidance to the specifier and the manufacturer on an appropriate level for the UK market.
BS EN 14351 and BS 6375 cover a range of products and characteristics and are therefore divided into parts. BS EN 14351 is divided into product groups and BS 6375 is divided into performance characteristics. Not all characteristics will apply to all product groups or to all end uses. In addition, BS 6375 may be used for product groups not covered by BS EN 14351.
This part of BS 6375 supersedes BS 6375-1:2004, which is withdrawn.
The main changes to BS 6375-1 include:
Revision of the foreword to align with Parts 2 and 3 of BS 6375-1
Clarification of the air permeability tests and requirements
Tests previously required by PAS 23-1 for entrance doorsets have been included.
BS 6375-2:2009 Performance of windows and doors. Classification for operation and strength characteristics and guidance on selection and specification
As part of the BS 6375 series of standards, BS 6375-2 is the national application document for BS EN 14351. It identifies the characteristics and classes of performance appropriate for windows and internal/external pedestrian doorsets intended for the UK.
BS 6375-2 specifies performance requirements for the operation and strength of manually operated windows and internal/external pedestrian doorsets in their fully finished condition.
BS 6375-2 replaces BS 6375-2:1987, which is withdrawn.
This full revision of BS 6375-2 includes the following changes:
The standard now refers to European test methods and classes of performance. It identifies those performance classes that are applicable to the UK market.
Tests previously required by PAS 23-1 for entrance doorsets have been included, although some minor changes to acceptable performance levels have been made.
BS 6375-3:2009 Performance of windows and doors. Classification for additional performance characteristics and guidance on selection and specification
BS 6375-3 is a new addition to the BS 6375 series of standards. It identifies those characteristics covered by BS EN 14351 that are not discussed in the other parts of BS 6375.
This standard includes information on:
Resistance to snow and permanent loads
Fire and security issues
What should be agreed between a manufacturer and purchaser.
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